
CLA weight loss - Speed Your Weight Loss

Conjugated linoleum acid (CLA ) is a conjugated polyunsaturated cla weight loss fatty acid which is a natural part of the human diet , primarily found in meat and dairy products. CLA is a trans fat (which is supposed to increase the risk cla for weight loss of coronary heart disease). However, it is reported that the conjugated linoleum acid is not harmful in the same manner as other trans fatty acids , it is beneficial . CLA weight loss is found primarily in meat and dairy products from ruminants ( Beg , cattle , goats , sheep , etc.).

CLA weight loss is thought to be a natural food supplement which induces a combination of fat loss and muscle gain. It is believed that the advantages of the conjugated linoleum acid , including:

    fat decreased
    Increase in muscle growth
    Increased cla weight loss metabolic rates
    Protects cla for weight loss against the accumulation of fat after losing weight , maintaining the initial reductions in body fat and weight in the long term.
    You can reduce the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides


Most properties of the ACC for weight loss actually turn around weight maintenance, IE avoid weight gain / fat instead of fat loss per cla weight loss se. This does not diminish their relevance to weight loss cla for weight loss programs , because 95% of people who lose weight regain the weight they had lost. If conjugated linoleum acid can prevent this weight gain to occur , it is certainly an important tool. This raises the question cla weight loss of whether it should be taken indefinitely . According to Dr. Michael Pariah , who conducted research on CLA with the University of Wisconsin -Madison :

The hypothesis that conjugated linoleum acid helps glucose move muscle cells more effectively , preventing cla weight loss the fat becomes glucose arises . CLA and weight loss it is also believed to help get into the cell membranes of muscle and connective tissue cla for weight loss, where fat to burn fat as fuel.

It is available in health food stores and online stores. Experts recommend using a patented name brand, because some brands have inconsistent or insufficient amounts of CLA contain.


Despite the fact that conjugated linoleum acid was once thought to have great promise in the treatment of obesity cla weight loss, has been unable to produce sufficient evidence to definitively prove or disprove its cla and weight loss usefulness as an aid to weight loss. Research on CLA supplements weight loss in humans cla for weight loss is still very limited. Unfortunately, to date , human studies have been unable to reproduce the results of weight loss for as always cla weight loss, as reported in animal studies .

One possible explanation for this difference is that the dose of conjugated linoleum acid is generally used cla weight loss in animal studies are much higher than those used in studies on humans. CLA for weight loss this may explain why the potential benefits of CLA , other than cla weight loss , such as the fight against cla and weight loss cancer and antioxidant properties , improves immune function and cardiovascular benefits , also remained untested in many human studies. Furthermore cla weight loss, numerous studies with contradictory results were cla for weight loss 12 weeks or less and therefore insufficient length .

In addition, some studies have used body composition (the measure of body fat and muscle mass ) methods are cla for weight loss less accurate than the currently cla weight loss accepted criteria .

While fat loss is much cla weight loss more convincing in animal studies than human studies, human trials have shown cla weight loss that conjugated linoleum acid may reduce body fat , are listed below.

    For example, one study randomized against placebo in double-blind , published in the December 2000 issue of the cla for weight loss Journal of Nutrition found that CLA reduces fat and preserves muscle tissue in cla and weight loss human volunteers . The study found that about 3.4 grams of CLA per day is necessary to achieve the beneficial effects of cla weight loss.

    Another randomized, double - blind placebo against cla weight loss published in 2004 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , the volunteers received CLA for a period of one year , the study cla for weight loss found that long-term supplementation with CLA reduced body fat in healthy overweight cla and weight loss adults.

He also found that CLA was more effective cla weight loss in those volunteers with a higher BMI and those with more body fat were more likely to lose fat with CLA supplementation than those with low percentage body fat low cla for weight loss. Next, the study continued for another year and the results showed that CLA supplementation for 24 months led to a reduction of 6-8% in body fat mass cla weight loss.

A double-blind , placebo-controlled trial in normal volunteers overweight ( BMI 25-30 human ) and are not limited by cla for weight loss a controlled diet received 3.2 g of CLA per day for 6 months , published in the International Journal cla weight loss of Obesity in 2007 tested positive for CLA as a tool for weight loss. Volunteers receive CLA continued to undergo weight loss during the holiday season ( November and December ) cla and weight loss, despite reports of physical activity decreases, while the volunteers who received placebo experienced weight gain during this time thereof cla weight loss. Therefore , supplementation with CLA not only significantly cla for weight loss reduces body fat over 6 months , but also prevented weight gain during the holiday season. However, this study also concluded that " Although no adverse effects were observed , further studies should assess cla weight loss the effects of prolonged use of CLA. "

However, although some cla weight loss studies have produced significant fat loss, others have reported insignificant changes in body fat .