
Ketamine Depression - Effective Treat for Depression

ketamine depression
ketamine depression
The ketamine depression remains a disease that is not fully understood. Modern neuroscience has come up with logical and coherent models that describe depression as a disability or reduced activity of the neurotransmitters ketamine for depression, morphine and dopamine in the brain. All FDA-approved drugs affect one or more neurotransmitters above. The art of psychopharmacology is to find the right combination of drugs to optimize the activity of all neurotransmitters above for a given patient. Current models of depression do not explain why ketamine depression do not work instantly or why ketamine for depression do not work for all depressed patients.

Modern research shows that ketamine depression, an anesthetic old , works very quickly to relieve the symptoms of major depression in patients who have received no response to medications and / or CT .

How does ketamine for depression ? 

The exact mechanism of ketamine for depression works is not fully understood. System ketamine depression working on a neurotransmitter called glutamate (NDA ), which is the most common neurotransmitter in the brain . Many institutions are conducting major research trials and studies on this subject. Public clinical results are excellent, but the mechanism of action remains a mystery .

ketamine depression is safe? 

ketamine and depression has been widely used as an anesthetic for minor procedures since the U.S.S.R. . In many countries , it is used by the first intervention workers help when it comes to minor trauma . Ketamine depression so it can be used as an anesthetic for outpatient non medical personnel. The dose ketamine for depression is about one quarter ( 1/4 ) of the anesthetic dose . In South Shore Neuropsychiatries Center , administered an injection test , followed by 15 minutes of regular injection. This will minimize the possibility of a negative reaction and help reassure the patient. ketamine depression has a very short action, psychotropic effect is often described as a mild alcoholic intoxication. Effects of ketamine takes less than two hours.

The negative effects of the use of ketamine for depression are most often associated with high chronic doses of Veterinary Medicine degree recreational drug users (Special K) or medical errors. ketamine depression is a substance approved by the FDA, but does not an indication for the ketamine and depression.

How do you use the South Shore ketamine and depression ? 

Appropriate patients are selected by the medical team. EC , vital signs and oxygen saturation were monitored before and during ketamine depression. During a treatment session, the patient received two injections , 10-15 minutes. The patient is awake, but it feels a little drunk for less than two hours . Usually , patients report subjective experience of the state induced by ketamine for depression also nice. It is expected that the patient remains in our facilities for a period of two hours during the procedure. After ketamine depression, the patient is discharged completely alert, oriented, and sober.
South Shore treatment philosophy :

We individualize ketamine and depression for the patient. Laical treatment is frequently used as adjuvant therapy , both to improve efficiency and reduce potential side effects. We charge for each session separately , because we are not able to predict how many ketamine depression are needed. In the South Shore Neuropsychiatries Hewlett Long Island, we try to make the patient a full partner in his / her process .

What to expect from the injection of ketamine depression therapy for treatment-resistant depression:  

Expect a very pleasant experience . It is reasonable to expect an improvement in 24 hours after ketamine depression. Typically , treatment occurs twice per week for the first two weeks and once per week thereafter . In general, we expect that patients receive a total of 12-16 treatments. The goals of treatment for depression ketamine for depression are a quick recovery, stabilization, maintenance and, where possible, the transfer of traditional oral medications. Maintenance ketamine depression is possible, if it is absolutely necessary.